Why Choose Us?

Should I host my site with
my favorite web designs,
or with another company?

Hosting your website with us or with our sister company is a smart move if you plan to continue services with us.

Moreover, while we can’t warranty the things that people will do on their own hosting, when people are hosting on our server we are able to configure backups and solve any issue rapidly, we do 1 year 100% warranty on our work on our hosting, provided we are the only developers working on it.

Choose your hosting company

There are so many advantages to our hosting platform.
We run hosting through gridpane, and pay for the following premium configurations:

vertical blue line

Active Snapshot failover hosted on vulture means even if our local dedicated server through Phoenix nap were to fail entirely, the DNS would instantly swap over and the failover would go up. this provides us multiple hardware redundancies, network independence, and geographical security.

Regularly scheduled remote backups and local backups, configured on top of the snapshot failover, because we take backups very seriously here. A common issue in the industry is backups that don’t work, which is why we have multiple layers of backup solution.

Redis object caching, PHP fpm, the latest PHP versions, premium WAF, server side caching, and tons of other incredibly optimized features for running WordPress sites very specifically.

We protect all our forms with clean talk, which is infinitely superior to recaptcha in terms of speed performance and not causing false negatives.

We send all our forms using a dedicated white listed IP so they don’t end up in clients spam inboxes randomly when other clients on a shared server gain a bad send reputation.

We have dedicated support, three members of our team including myself, almost 25 years of combined server admin experience, in addition to the premium support via gridpane.

For our Arizona clients, we maintain a Phoenix server, with dedicated resources and high frequency CPUs. Our server is via PhoenixNAP, and the proximity to the targeted clients gives us a huge speed advantage in terms of latency, and a big SEO advantage which transfers to a maps SEO advantages as well.

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